Hugo: Total Hip Replacement, Austria

Birthday: September 17, 2013

Breed: Pug

Date of Surgery: January 26, 2015

Product: CFX® Micro THR

Surgeon: Drs. Britta Vidoni and Eva Schnabl-Feichter; University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria

“10-month old Hugo was presented with lameness and had been taking pain medication every day, but still showed significant signs of discomfort. A total hip replacement was suggested and agreed upon by his owners. Post-op evaluations at 2 months, and 1.5 years showed marked improvement. His owners reported at 2.5 years Hugo has a normal gait, does not take any medication for pain, and now enjoys running and jumping.”

– Contributed by Dr. Eva Schnabl-Feichter

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