Louis: Total Hip Replacement, Austria

Birthday: January 1, 2011

Breed: Mixed Breed

Date of Surgery: January 7, 2020

Product: Small Breeds CFX® Hip

Surgeon: Dr. Guenter Schwarz; Tierklinik Perchtoldsdorf Ost, Perchtoldsdorf, Austria

“Louis was brought to Austria as a rescue dog in 2016, suffering from chronic fractures of the left hind limb which resulted in amputation. Despite quick recovery, he developed obvious discomfort in the contra-lateral hip joint over the following three years. Louis’ new owner contacted Tierklinik Perchtoldsdorf Ost. There, the diagnosis of severe osteoarthritis of the right hip joint was confirmed and a THR was performed. Louis’ recovery was quick and uneventful! It was obvious his pain was relieved from the first day after surgery. Now, more than two and a half years after surgery and nearly 12 years of age, Louis’ family reports he is enjoying an excellent quality of life and has the active behavior of a young pup.”

– Contributed by Dr. Guenter Schwarz